BMW FEM / BDC Programming and Software Repair All Models / Plug n Drive
★ Save time and money! ★ Avoid the headache! ★ Buy a remanufactured ECU from us! ★ In stock ★ Tested ★ One year warranty ★ 30 day returns ★ 30 day technical support ★ Plug n' drive ★ No programming needed ★ Fast turnaround time ★
BMW FEM BDC Programming and Software Repair service is for the following 2011-2020 models:
2 Series
- 228i 228iX 230i 230iX M235i M235iX M240i M240iX (F22 F23)
- M2 (F87)
3 Series
- 320i 320iX 328d 328dX 328i 328iX 330e 330i 330iX 335i 335iX 340i 340iX Hybrid 3 (F30 F31 F34)
- M3 (F80)
4 Series
428i 428iX 430i 430iX 435i 435iX 440i 440iX (F32 F33 F36)
- M4 (F82 F83)
Old keys will work. Simply install the FEM and start the car.
This service will repair and update the software in any FEM module in any BMW car. FEM software gets often corrupted when updating (with e.g. ISTA-P, Autel, Autologic) or key programming. Signs of corrupted software are: no communication with scan tool (bricked), original key not recognized or not engaging and no ignition on or no start.
If you need to program used FEM or BDC to your car, please use this service but contact us with details.
For this service, you will have to send in the original FEM, original DME and all original keys. Please contact us with any questions.
Check supported part numbers, before making the purchase!
★ Save time and money! ★ Avoid the headache! ★ Buy a remanufactured ECU from us! ★ In stock ★ Tested ★ One year warranty ★ 30 day returns ★ 30 day technical support ★ Plug n' drive ★ No programming needed ★ Fast turnaround time ★
Supported CAS part numbers: all part numbers are supported. Some common numbers below.
61359868384 61359868380 61359438729 61359387265 61359387263 61359383179 61359381102 61359366408 61359352861 61359348359 61359325657 61359324776 61359314238 61359314235 61359314234 61359314229 61359292946 61359280618 61358781415 61358733501 61358733499 61358709212 61358709210 61358707674 61358573259 61358517874 61356843899 61356843893 61356825538 61356824387 61356824378 61359292652 61358707752 61359303538 61358573258 61359383181 61358518569 61359286113 61359314237 61359868383
61356824383 61359303547 61356843898 61359288301 61359303544
9868384 9868380 9438729 9387265 9387263 9383179 9381102 9366408 9352861 9348359 9325657 9324776 9314238 9314235 9314234 9314229 9292946 9280618 8781415 8733501 8733499 8709212 8709210 8707674 8573259 8517874 6843899 6843893 6825538 6824387 6824378 9292652 8707752 9303538 8573258 9383181 8518569 9286113 9314237 9868383
6824383 9303547 6843898 9288301 9303544
Check supported part numbers, before making the purchase!
★ Save time and money! ★ Avoid the headache! ★ Buy a remanufactured ECU from us! ★ In stock ★ Tested ★ One year warranty ★ 30 day returns ★ 30 day technical support ★ Plug n' drive ★ No programming needed ★ Fast turnaround time ★
Please follow this simple procedure for fast and trouble free transaction.
1. Prepare the following: original FEM, DME and all original keys.
2. Make the purchase and send the items to us. Shipping label will be sent to you after the purchase.
3. We ship back next day after completing the data transfer ( most of the time the same or next day).
Check supported part numbers, before making the purchase!
★ Save time and money! ★ Avoid the headache! ★ Buy a remanufactured ECU from us! ★ In stock ★ Tested ★ One year warranty ★ 30 day returns ★ 30 day technical support ★ Plug n' drive ★ No programming needed ★ Fast turnaround time ★
Q. Where do I send my items?
A. Shipping label will be sent to you after the purchase.
Q. How do I check the DME type?
A. It is often on the ECU label. You can also use one of the on line parts catalogs found on our resources page.
Q. How do I remove the items from the car?
A. Check on line BMW TIS found on our resources page.
Contact us with any other questions.
Check supported part numbers, before making the purchase!
★ Save time and money! ★ Avoid the headache! ★ Buy a remanufactured ECU from us! ★ In stock ★ Tested ★ One year warranty ★ 30 day returns ★ 30 day technical support ★ Plug n' drive ★ No programming needed ★ Fast turnaround time ★
BMW FEM BDC Programming and Software Repair service is for the following 2011-2020 models:
2 Series
- 228i 228iX 230i 230iX M235i M235iX M240i M240iX (F22 F23)
- M2 (F87)
3 Series
- 320i 320iX 328d 328dX 328i 328iX 330e 330i 330iX 335i 335iX 340i 340iX Hybrid 3 (F30 F31 F34)
- M3 (F80)
4 Series
428i 428iX 430i 430iX 435i 435iX 440i 440iX (F32 F33 F36)
- M4 (F82 F83)
Old keys will work. Simply install the FEM and start the car.
This service will repair and update the software in any FEM module in any BMW car. FEM software gets often corrupted when updating (with e.g. ISTA-P, Autel, Autologic) or key programming. Signs of corrupted software are: no communication with scan tool (bricked), original key not recognized or not engaging and no ignition on or no start.
If you need to program used FEM or BDC to your car, please use this service but contact us with details.
For this service, you will have to send in the original FEM, original DME and all original keys. Please contact us with any questions.
Check supported part numbers, before making the purchase!
★ Save time and money! ★ Avoid the headache! ★ Buy a remanufactured ECU from us! ★ In stock ★ Tested ★ One year warranty ★ 30 day returns ★ 30 day technical support ★ Plug n' drive ★ No programming needed ★ Fast turnaround time ★
Supported CAS part numbers: all part numbers are supported. Some common numbers below.
61359868384 61359868380 61359438729 61359387265 61359387263 61359383179 61359381102 61359366408 61359352861 61359348359 61359325657 61359324776 61359314238 61359314235 61359314234 61359314229 61359292946 61359280618 61358781415 61358733501 61358733499 61358709212 61358709210 61358707674 61358573259 61358517874 61356843899 61356843893 61356825538 61356824387 61356824378 61359292652 61358707752 61359303538 61358573258 61359383181 61358518569 61359286113 61359314237 61359868383
61356824383 61359303547 61356843898 61359288301 61359303544
9868384 9868380 9438729 9387265 9387263 9383179 9381102 9366408 9352861 9348359 9325657 9324776 9314238 9314235 9314234 9314229 9292946 9280618 8781415 8733501 8733499 8709212 8709210 8707674 8573259 8517874 6843899 6843893 6825538 6824387 6824378 9292652 8707752 9303538 8573258 9383181 8518569 9286113 9314237 9868383
6824383 9303547 6843898 9288301 9303544
Check supported part numbers, before making the purchase!
★ Save time and money! ★ Avoid the headache! ★ Buy a remanufactured ECU from us! ★ In stock ★ Tested ★ One year warranty ★ 30 day returns ★ 30 day technical support ★ Plug n' drive ★ No programming needed ★ Fast turnaround time ★
Please follow this simple procedure for fast and trouble free transaction.
1. Prepare the following: original FEM, DME and all original keys.
2. Make the purchase and send the items to us. Shipping label will be sent to you after the purchase.
3. We ship back next day after completing the data transfer ( most of the time the same or next day).
Check supported part numbers, before making the purchase!
★ Save time and money! ★ Avoid the headache! ★ Buy a remanufactured ECU from us! ★ In stock ★ Tested ★ One year warranty ★ 30 day returns ★ 30 day technical support ★ Plug n' drive ★ No programming needed ★ Fast turnaround time ★
Q. Where do I send my items?
A. Shipping label will be sent to you after the purchase.
Q. How do I check the DME type?
A. It is often on the ECU label. You can also use one of the on line parts catalogs found on our resources page.
Q. How do I remove the items from the car?
A. Check on line BMW TIS found on our resources page.
Contact us with any other questions.
Check supported part numbers, before making the purchase!